حل كتاب النشاط انجليزي للصف الثالث المتوسط الفصل الثاني حلول منهج الانجليزي كتاب النشاط ثالث متوسط ف2 كاملا للعام الدراسي 1446 على موقع حقيبتي للعرض المباشر بدون تحميل بصيغة pdf
ومحتويات الحل كالتالي
Complete the paragraph with the verbs in parentheses. Use the present perfect or the simple past tense.
Write a question and two answers for each photo. Use How long, for, and since.
Now write about the inventions you listed in the chart above. Write how each one has made
your life better or worse, easier or harder.
1. What are three reasons some people like to live in a big city?
2. 2. How many people have to live in a town for the town to be considered a small town?
3. 3. Why do some people regret moving to the big city from a small town?
4. 4. What is the name of the town that was recently voted as the best small town in America?
5. What are three things that young people like to do in small towns?